There are 86,400 seconds in a day; we all have the same amount of time to tend to our needs, personal and professional. How are you spending them?
Time…Like sand in an hourglass, a sundial, your watch, the clock on your phone. There are many ways to get the time. When you don’t have a constraint do you feel more free?
Quantity or Quality, people look at this in a lot of perspectives. The food we buy, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the house we live in, it can also relate to the way we spend our time. Is it how much we do, and can squeeze in, or getting the most out of the time we have and enjoying it more.
Are you a lister..a planner…I agree that there are times that you need to chuck it..and go on the edge..there is nothing wrong with going off the reservation, and most definitely a vacation should be gauged by the time you decide to get up.
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